Friday, July 4, 2014

Ketonly the Lonely

Two years ago I decided to give the gluten free lifestyle a try. Turns outs gluten is actually pretty shitty and removing it from my diet alleviated a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing (some of which I didn't even realize I had until I no longer felt them). Anyway, I found it fairly easy to maintain and never once had a set back. That is until last November…

Between a full time schedule in neuroscience courses, a rigorous rehearsal schedule for an all-too-stressful college production and working part time at a fucking bakery, there was just no way that my hips would stand a chance.

I was exhausted. I was stressed. I was nearing the steep precipice of post grad life with no direction frighteningly fast and it was maddening. Suddenly those baked goods which I was once able to see as just sugar and flour became a godsend. Brownies? No, no- free, fudge-coated-quaaludes. Oh, Oprah... Where were you last November when I stood at the bread counter surreptitiously eating my feelings?

Courtesy of Steinberg's Bake Shoppe- a sugary, gluten-ey, poisonous haven for kosher baked evil.

It only took one month of "cheating," reintroducing foods that I hadn't touched in years, for my body to retaliate. I felt like crap again almost instantly, and I've still not been able to get back to my original state of health.

So now I'm here dealing with the fallout of a merciless semester and zero self-discipline. I have been toying with a low-carb/ketogenic diet for quite a while but as you might imagine, discipline is an integral part of following a diet of any sort, so it hasn't been as effective as it could be. 

But I do my best to abide by the principles and remain as low carb as my mood will allow, and so far it has certainly made a difference in some aspects of my health. I'm no longer dealing with the crippling anxiety that just two years ago kept me from leaving my house. So.. yay? 

Anyway, I figure I might be more motivated to fully adopt the lifestyle if I try to document it. Post some pictures of my crappy looking keto-food, share a bit of my insight, my experiences, etc. and maybe help others out in the process.

I'll admit I've been hesitant to write about it as I hate talking about diets almost as much as I hate adhering to them. But at the moment, my giant ass is about all I've got going on in my life. So it's either write about that, or post links of all the Youtube videos I've been watching as of late. 

I mean… I could do that too. Anyone wanna see a really cool trick you can do with just a can of 7Up and a flamethrower?

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