Thursday, July 10, 2014

Quick Healthy Mexican Dinner

Tonight I didn't have much time to put together anything elaborate so I decided to make one of my favorite dishes- tacoooos! Taco meat is one of the easiest things to cook and therefore one of my favorite. It's low carb, high fat, and super dileeshis.

Deconstructed Taco Dinner!

  • In this recipe there will be no shells to toast oh so carefully lest they turn to blackened waste (and let's face it, shells are useless. You only get about one good bite until it just gives up and turns to nachos). 
  • There will be no chopping of onions until your eyes bleed just to make a simple guacamole. 
  • There will be no sour cream/cheddar/cilantro/tomato/jalapeƱo/superfluous bullshit on top.

For Taco Meat:
1 Pound Organic Grassfed Ground Beef (Or regular ground beef. I won't judge).
1 Packet of your favorite Taco Seasoning (Mine is Trader Joe's brand)
1 1/2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste (Don't toss what's leftover!)
1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
*Optional- 1/2 Tablespoon Clarified Butter

For "Guacamole":
Smash an avocado. Put some lemon or lime juice on it. Fin.

Not poop.

Place your ground beef onto a hot pan and flatten it out until it looks like a giant meat pancake. Flip the giant meat pancake after one minute of cooking. (It's okay if it falls apart. You're going to smash it up anyway! This method just ensures quick and even cooking). After the meat is cooked add your tomato paste and make sure it is well spread throughout before adding the seasonings and proceeding with the smashing. Smash.

*I've made this recipe with and without tomato paste, but personally I prefer the flavor that the tomato paste adds. If you choose to use it, you're not going to use an entire can. Here's a way to store the remainder so they're ready to use in perfect serving sizes.

Go to any place that has a salad bar or salsa station (my place of choice is Moe's Southwest Grill), and you should find that they have these little plastic containers stacked up for to-go dressings or salsas. 
Steal a few-*ahem… respectfully acquire some at your discretion, and you would be surprised at how useful they can be at home. In this case, one container perfectly holds the portion needed for this recipe. Just store them in the fridge and when you need one-BOOM! Pop one of these out of the fridge. ¡Que conveniente!

Anyway after all of this fun mexican cooking my mother calls and says she's coming home with Moe's for dinner. 


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